Past Issues

2021: Volume 1, Issue 1

Energy Alterations in Obese Patients

Huang Wei Ling

Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Pain Management. Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil

Corresponding author: Huang Wei Ling, Rua Homero Pacheco Alves, 1929, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil. 14400-010, Tel: +55 16 3721-2437; E-mail: [email protected]


To write this article, the author will use thoughts according to her clinical experience, combining the knowledge of western medicine with traditional chinese medicine (that exists for more than 5000 years) in her 29 years of clinical experience [1].

As the author describes in all her scientific articles, inspired by the influence of Hippocrates (460 bce - 375 bce), father of Medicine, she will use different points of view between the different medicines that existed in the past to explain what happens today in obese patients [2].

According to the article written by Rakhra V, et al. (2020) entitled « Obesity and the Western Diet: How We Got Here » is saying that obese patients are the leading cause of death and the number is increasing progressively. The association of obesity with cardiovascular and diabetes are the major causes of death in United States. The amount spending on treatment of this condition is up to 146 billion dollars per year, higher than the treatment of non-obese patients. Rakhra V, et al’s research says that the patients are considering the wrong eating habits mostly in Western population is the major cause of obesity in United States, Along with high in fat and sugar levels [3].

 If we recollect the important points of older medicines such as traditional Chinese medicine, there are some different points about the different perspectives on clinical reasoning in the treatment of an obese patient [4].

For example, if we consider diet in Western medicine, the different diets are based on the composition of each food, in regard to the amount of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and trace elements that are present in it [5].

In the Western dietary orientations, calculating the amount of food in relation to the proportion of carbohydrate, protein and lipids is one of the main measures to guide the patients how much of each food the patient should ingest [5].

In Chinese dietary therapy, food is classified as Cold, Neutral, Warm and Hot, which is different from the Western diet, the dietary guidelines of Chinese medicine are based on the specific energy imbalances presented for each patient [6].

In traditional Chinese medicine, for the treatment of each pathology, there are different energy imbalances that can generate the same disease.  This means that the same disease can come from different energy imbalances and the same energy imbalance can generate several different diseases, similar to the Huang (2021) article entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection [7].

 The author has been studying the energy pattern of her patients since 2010 and what she was noted is that the basis for the formation of all these pathologies today. What she wants to transmit in the present article is, all kinds of patients nowadays with different pathologies such as patients with psychiatric problems, diabetic patients, hypertension, myocardial infarction or even cancer, etc… are affected by the same cause i.e., energy deficiency. This energy deficiency is of five massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine (which are the Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung, and Kidney) which are responsible for the production of energy Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, which was reported in my previous publication « Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection » [7].

In the case of patients with obesity, the most affected organ is the spleen-pancreas meridian, that is usually imbalanced due to wrong eating habits, and its imbalance is based on the chronic ingestion of cow's milk, dairy products, intake of cold or ice water, raw food, and sweets, leads to the deficiency of energy-meridin, that further leads to failure of organs and begin to produce fluid and phlegm retention in the body, finally causes increase in body weight [4].

In addition to spleen-pancreas energy deficiency, patients also suffer with kidney energy deficiency. This deficiency follows a process initially  with fluid retention process, follwed by energy deficiency, mainly Yang deficiency (when patients have low energy, could not produce heat in the body and the patient usually will have cold hands and feet), and finally this energy deficiency is responsible for the retention of fluid inside the body [8].

The lack of energy has also led to difficulties in expelling the feces, that are inside the abdominal cavity and because of this, the patient usually presents a picture of intestinal constipation, which in traditional Chinese medicine, represents blood deficiency and the replenishment of these energies, helps the patient to eliminate this feces, that is causing difficulties in loose weight. These thoughts were published by Huang (2020) in the article entitled Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies in Patients with Chronic Constipation. [9]

This lack of energy leads to discouragement and laziness on the part of the patient to perform physical activities, generating a vicious cycle [10].

The evaluation of food energy aspects, not normally assessed by Western medicine dietary counseling, to correct the energy disharmony of each patient, leads to maintenance in the energy imbalance that causes obesity, in the energy point of view, because the lack of understanding that the human body is formed by energy, before materialized, leads to the lack of correct guidance of adequate food for each energy imbalance. Observing the Western dietary counseling, they normally recommend an osteoporosis patient to intake cow milk to prevent the disease and other measures such as increasing intake of raw leaves and cold water that causes to increase in metabolism, thus leads to generating more energy imbalances and keeping the patient's weight loss process difficult (all these foods can lead to spleen and pancreas energy deficiency, leading to retention of fluids inside the body, increasing weight instead of losing weight) [4].

Therefore, the author, through this editorial, wants to show the importance of evaluating the energy aspect for all obese patients who are considered as disabled today are not being treated for their specific cause. They often choose to undergo surgery to reduce the stomach fat and but were not treated for the specific obese disability cause, which is basically the lack of energy in all internal massive organs. Since it is the common cause for the formation of the majority of chronic diseases, it was demonstrated by the author in all her articles [4,10-13].

In the article published by Wolfe B, et al. (2017) entitled Treatment of Obesity: Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery, the authors are saying that bariatric surgery are indicated in patients that cannot lose weight using common measures to have a successful weight-loss using clinical measures. The indication is to have less propensity to have cardiovascular diseases in all these group of patients [14].

But what the author wants to emphasize in this article is that, even after undegoing the common measurements to reduce weight by Western medicine, they still are not replenishing the energy that is lacking in all these obese patients. And that is why, the basic cause itself is not treated and all these patients that are submitted to this kind of surgery, are very weak in energy, leading to have other complications (infectious and non-infectious) in this kind of Western population. These deep insights were published by Huang (2021) in the article entitled What Do We Need to Know to Reduce Complications for Our Surgical Patients? [15].

The replenishment of energy can get by using highly diluted medications. In addition to the dietary changes such as eating less raw foods and more braised ones and using warm water instead of cold or ice water, are the first steps to promote the balance of these energies that are normally imbalanced in these obese patients. Due to wrong eating habits, maintaining the energy imbalances in their vicious cycle [4].

The removal of cow's milk and all dairy products from the patient's diet is very important in this weight loss process, to try to balance the energy of the spleen-pancreas and is often out of balance in these patients, that can produce Phlegm when imbalanced, increasing the body’s weight [4,16].

Contrary to what some people advocate, this article advocates that eating rice is important in the weight loss process, but the process of elaboration and cooking of this rice has to be changed because often rice, for example, carried out in Brazil is initially fried in oil with salt and other seasonings, changing the energy of the food. The rice has properties to rebalance the energy of the spleen-pancreas so it should only be washed and cooked with water, and should not be put in oil or salt when cooking, so that it promotes weight loss in person that begin to eat this kind of rice, instead of increasing in weight [4,16].

In the article written by Dong et al. (2015) entitled White rice intake varies in its association with metabolic markers of diabetes and dyslipidemia across region among Chinese Adult, they are saying that high consumption of rice in some regions of China was associated with an inverse relationship of formation of diabetes [17].

As in China, the Chinese eat a lot of rice but they usually eat rice cooked in water, without oil and salt, and in this way, rice can balance the energy of the spleen-pancreas and we can see that it is difficult to find an obese Chinese, even though they are the country that consumes the most rice in the world. In the article written by Zhen et al. ( 2018) entitled Dietary pattern is associated with obesity in Chinese children and adolescents: data from China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS), they analyzed the pattern of foods comparing traditional foods from China compared to modern foods inducing obesity in children and adolescents in China and what they concluded from their study was that modern foods rich in fried foods, processed meat, wheat and fast foods should be discouraged and the adoption of traditional Chinese dietary using high intake of rice, pork, vegetables, poultry and fish, to reduce weight in these population [18].

The second food widely used in China to reduce the production of Phlegm and balance the energy of the Spleen-pancreas is the intake of adzuki bean, which is a red-colored bean widely used by Orientals to make sweets. These beans have properties to tonify the energy of the Spleen-pancreas and reduce the production of Phlegm and thus, the patient starts to urinate more and reduce their weight. In the article written by Lee et al. (2019) entitled Adzuki Bean Water Extract Attenuates Obesity by Modulating M2/M1 Macrophage Polarization and Gut Microbiota Composition, they are saying that the supplementation of these beans can reduce high –fat induced obesity and consumption of it is important to improve metabolic disorders [19].

And the intake of warm water to balance the spleen-pancreas energy meridian, instead of ingestion of cold water, can tone the energy of this meridian and reduce the retention of fluid and Phlegm inside the body and also reduces measurements and weight. [4]

In the second method of balancing internal energies used by the author, it consists of performing auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting of all her patients' in order to balance the energies of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, which are important for maintaining health [4].

By doing this type of treatment, patients start to evacuate more, facilitating the elimination of feces and they start to urinate more, because there is a balance of internal energies in the spleen-pancreas and kidney energy, and greater control of emotions and anxiety, reducing the desire to consume lots of food [10].

The third method that author uses on her obese patients, is the replenishment of the internal organs energy using highly diluted medications such as homeopathies, through the theory created by Huang (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine [20].

Using these medications, the patient has more energy for their daily activities, their emotional aspect becomes more balanced, having less anxiety, depression, sleeping better and also evacuating and urinating with greater volume, and with a stronger stream of urine, increasing the energy of internal organs that were previously weak, as shown by the author in the article wrote by Huang (2021) entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection.  In this article, Huang is showing that the majority of patients that she studied during 2015 and 2020, were in the lowest level of energy inside the internal massive organs and the treatment of this condition, replenishing these energy, is of paramount importance to improve the immune system of these patients, that is very compromised nowadays [7].

In addition to the recommended foods, the author also advises to avoid ingestion of coffee, mate tea and soft drinks (even if it is without calories), in addition to avoiding the ingestion of fried foods, eggs, chocolate, honey, coconut, alcoholic beverages, as these foods imbalance the energy of the Kidney and Liver, it can cause more fluid retention and increased internal heat formation, causing more anxiety, and more energy imbalance [10].

The use of non-calorie beverages should be avoided by these patients because, it most often tastes very sweet, maintaining the energy imbalance of the spleen-pancreas, that continue to keep the retention of liquid inside the body and sustaining the obesity process. This mechanism of action of non-calories beverages leading to energy imbalances was explained by Huang (2019) in the article entitled Why Are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia Despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic Medication and Insulin? [4].

All these alterations are at energy level, that are invisible to the naked eye, and often do not cause laboratory or radiological changes [4].

Therefore, there is the necessity of the physicians to understand what is happening inside the body of their patients in the energy level, before leading to laboratory changes. This kind of reasoning is of paramount importance these days because when doing diagnosis when the patient has a laboratory or radiological change, does not make the diagnosis of the patient's pathology in an early stage, but only at a very late stage [4].

The physician's action at the earliest stages, where only energy changes occur, is very important, especially in obese patients today, in which most alterations are in the energy level and often there is no radiological or laboratory modifications. But when the obese patient shows alterations in the laboratory and radiological tests, such as high cholesterol or hyperglycemia for example, this means that this patient has had energy imbalances (deficiency) for many years, and the doctor's action is to promote this energy replenishment, in addition to all the measures (dietary alterations, acupuncture and exercises), that is the fundamental importance for the successful treatment of the obese patient [21].

But as showed by Huang in this article, obese patients are normally classified by the doctors as they are lazy but what the author is observing in these patients is that, due to the lack of energy inside the massive internal organs, what they have in fact, is no energy to do any kind of exercises. When the physician begins to treat this low energy, using all these tolls recommended in this article, the patient quickly begin to have energy and he will begin to do these exercises normally, without needing to keep pushing to do exercises, as Huang (2021) showed in the article Does the Use of Piercing Can Harm Health and Lead to Obesity? [21]


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Copyright: Huang Wei Ling. © (2021). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Citation: Huang Wei Ling. (2021). Energy Alterations in Obese Patients. Obese. 1(1):1.

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