Current Issue

2024: Volume 2, Issue 1

Quality Characteristics of Dough Meal Formulated from Unripe Plantain, Soymeal, Moringa Seed, and Marugbo Leaf

Akinjisola TD*, Olumurewa JAV, Bamisile OB, Omole RA

Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

*Corresponding author: Akinjisola TD, Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, Phone No: +234 7031580422; E-mail: [email protected]

Received Date: April 01, 2024

Publication Date: June 21, 2024

Citation: Akinjisola TD, et al. (2024). Quality Characteristics of Dough Meal Formulated from Unripe Plantain, Soymeal, Moringa Seed, and Marugbo Leaf. Obese. 2(1):4.

Copyright: Akinjisola TD, et al. © (2024). 


Dough meal is a staple food consumed in West Africa prepared by mixing different flours with and cooking them on hot water. Dough meal is mainly starchy and lacks the biochemical diversity required for normal healthy living. Therefore, there is a need to improve the nutritional and functional properties of dough meal by incorporating other plants that have beneficial effects on human health. The dough meal was prepared from blend of unripe Plantain, soymeal, moringa seed and marugbo leaf in different proportion using. The samples were formulated as A (70% unripe Plantain, 20% Soymeal, 5% Moringa, 5% Marugbo), B (75% unripe Plantain, 15% Soymeal, 5% Marugbo Leaf, 5% Moringa), C (80% unripe Plantain, 15% Soymeal, 5% Moringa), D (80% unripe Plantain, 15% Soymeal, 5% Marugbo), PLT (100% Unripe Plantain flour) was used as positive control and CER (Cerolina) a commercial sample was used as a negative control. The Proximate, mineral composition, functional and pasting properties of the dough meal formulated with 70% unripe Plantain, 20% Soymeal, 5% Moringa, 5% Marugbo compares significantly (P<0.05) higher in terms of protein, fibre, gross energy and mineral composition when compared to the control samples. However, the overall acceptability of the dough meal was less preferred to the commercial sample. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the dough meal from 70% plantains, 20% Soymeal, 5% Moringa seed, and 5% Marugbo leaf possesses favourable nutritional, functional and pasting properties. These findings support the use of the dough meal blends as a health food option offering a nutritious and beneficial dietary choice.

Keywords: Dough Meal, Unripe Plantain, Functional Properties, Pasting Properties, Acceptability

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